“Talking is the most dangerous thing we do.”
Dr. Harville Hendrix looked me straight in the eye as he and his wife Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt sat across from us during our counseling session.
“We’ve discovered that hardly any of us know how to talk – which is the source of most of our problems,” he added.
At the time, I had no idea how to even begin repairing my strained relationship with Josh. But after working with them for months, the simple techniques they taught me not only fixed my broken relationship – but made it better than ever before.
That’s why today’s MarieTV is so important. My guests Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt have dedicated their lives to helping the world learn to communicate better, and build loving, lasting relationships.
Watch now to discover:
- The #1 relationship killer
- How to rebuild trust after a big blowout
- The shocking truth your partner wishes you knew
- The magic words to defuse any argument
- Why Harville and Helen almost came to blows on their first date
- The “appointment” method for getting what you truly want from your partner
- How to instantly snap someone out of “defensive mode”
- The shocking relationship mistake that can actually kill you 😱
- 3 things you MUST if you want your love to last

Click play and learn how to avoid the biggest marriage mistakes and the surprising secrets to unbreakable relationships.
Watch Video now
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GET HARVILLE & HELEN’S NEW BOOK: How to Talk with Anyone about Anything: The Practice of Safe Conversations
FREE TOOL FOR TOUGH TALKS: Setting and protecting your boundaries is key to any successful relationship. If you’d like more help navigating those tough conversations – grab my word-for-word scripts for saying “no” with kindness and class.
Now it’s your turn. What’s ONE dialog technique from today’s episode that you can implement today to practice the art of safe conversations?
Maybe it’s framing a frustration as a request to make your needs known in a constructive way…
Or setting an “appointment” to open a dialog about something important…
Or maybe even sharing this episode with your partner so you’re on the same page!
Put your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s work together to bring back meaningful conversations and restore connection where it’s needed most.
All my love,